VoteAmerica+ Civic Data API

If you’ve ever wanted to build your own Election Center of state-specific data, this is the API for you. There are 51 different sets of laws governing elections in the United States because we like to make things as complicated as possible. We’ve navigated this mess so you don’t have to.
The data in this API powers the VoteAmerica site and is surfaced throughout the VoteAmerica tools.

Civic Data API fields and descriptions are here.

API keys are only available to VoteAmerica+ customers. Please contact to learn more.

  1. Versions
  2. Using the API
  3. Authentication
  4. Endpoints
    1. GET /election/field/
    2. GET /election/data/state/{state}/
    3. GET /election/override/


Version 2 of the Civic Data API is now available. The remainder of this page describes V2. You can find historic docs for V1 here. Our Upgrade Guide details all the changes and the rationale behind them.

Interactive API Documents

To see query request and response examples, visit our interactive interface here:

Using the API

The API base URL is For example, you can try running curl


Some endpoints (indicated below) require an API key. If you are already a VoteAmerica+ customer with an active subscription to the Civic Data API, you can generate an API key via the VoteAmerica+ Customer Dashboard. Please contact to learn more.

For endpoints requiring authentication, use basic auth with your API key ID as the username and API key secret as the password.


GET /election/field/

Authentication: none

Returns: An array of state information field objects.


Each state information field object contains a slug, a longer description, and a field format. Fields using the format Multi-select or Single-select also include an options property that lists the possible options available for selection.

(For example: absentee_request_methods is a Multi-select field that includes these options: ["email", "fax", "in_person", "mail", "online", "phone"]. Each state’s value for this field will include a list of the options applicable to the state.)

Slugs can be matched to the results in /election/data/state/{state}.

Possible field formats include: Boolean, Date, Markdown, Multi-select, Single-select, URL.

Response structure:

    "slug": string,
    "description": string,
    "field_format": string,
    "options": list (only included for Multi-select and Single-select field formats)

GET /election/data/state/{state}/

Authentication: basic auth (details)

Parameters: {state} should be a 2-letter postal abbreviation, in upper case.

Returns: All state information fields for a single state.


Each item in the state_information list has a field_type property that maps to a slug in the GET /election/field/ response.

The state’s value for a field may be returned in a couple different ways:

  • text always gives a string representation of the value.
  • If the field type is Boolean, the response will also include a boolean representation called bool_value. Otherwise, this property won’t be present.
  • If the field type is Multi-select, the response will also include a list representation called multiselect_value. Otherwise, this property won’t be present.

The footnotes property is populated when the state’s value for a given field has exceptions or requires further explanation.

Response structure:

    "code": string,
    "name": string,
    "state_information": [
            "field_type": string,
            "text": string,
            "bool_value": boolean,
            "multiselect_value": list,
            "footnotes" string,
            "modified_at": datetime

GET /election/override/

Authentication: basic auth (details)

Returns: A list of regional overrides, which are cases where regional-level data (usually representing a county) overrides state-level data.


In a few cases, specific regions within a state have their own value for a field. For example, some cities and counties in Illinois have their own absentee ballot request tool URLs (represented by the field gov_tool_absentee_request). For voters in these regions, the regional-level URL should be used instead of the state-level URL.

This endpoint returns a list of all regional overrides. For each, the state name, region name, field slug and regional-level value is provided.

Response structure:

    "state": string,
    "region": {
      "name": string
    "field": {
      "slug": string
    "value": string

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