Data dictionary: The Movement Cooperative sync

This document contains the column names and descriptions for data synced from VoteAmerica+ to TMC’s data warehouse via the TMC sync.

Note: Some columns have been deprecated and the data are no longer collected by VoteAmerica tools. These columns are still included in syncs to provide access to historic data. Deprecated columns are marked below with (DEPRECATED).

The sync is available for these VoteAmerica+ tools:

  1. Absentee tool sync
  2. Register tool sync
  3. Verify tool sync

Absentee tool sync

Column title Description
slug An identifier for your customer
uuid The ID we store internally for the absentee ballot request
subscriber_name The name of the subscriber (i.e. your customer name)
subscriber_id VoteAmerica’s internal identifier for the subscriber / customer
created_at The date and time that the first page of the ballot request flow was submitted, in UTC
updated_at The date and time when this action’s data was last updated, in UTC
first_name The user’s first name
middle_name (DEPRECATED) The user’s middle name
last_name The user’s last name
suffix (DEPRECATED) The user’s name suffix
date_of_birth The user’s date of birth
email The user’s email address
phone The user’s phone number
address1 The user’s address1
address2 The user’s address2
city The user’s city
zipcode The user’s zipcode
state_id The 2-letter code for the user’s state
mailing_address1 (DEPRECATED) The user’s mailing address1
mailing_address2 (DEPRECATED) The user’s mailing address2
mailing_city (DEPRECATED) The user’s mailing city
mailing_state_id (DEPRECATED) The 2-letter code for the user’s mailing state
mailing_zipcode (DEPRECATED) The user’s mailing zipcode
sms_opt_in_subscriber True/False if the user has selected to opt-in to the subscriber’s SMS list
source The ?source= query param
utm_source The ?utm_source= query param
utm_medium The ?utm_medium= query param
utm_campaign The ?utm_campaign= query param
utm_content The ?utm_content= query param
utm_term The ?utm_term= query param
embed_url The URL of the page where the Absentee tool was embedded
session_id The ID of a user’s session. For tracking users across multiple tools or visits.
finished If the user has (1) clicked a link to visit their state’s online ballot request portal, (2) had their ballot request submitted to their Local Election Official, and/or (3) emailed themselves a ballot request form and downloaded it at least once
self_print If the user has emailed themselves a printable customized ballot request form
finished_external_service If the user clicked a link to visit their state’s ballot request portal
leo_message_sent (DEPRECATED) If VoteAmerica’s toolset directly submitted the ballot request to the user’s Local Election Official
total_downloads For users who have emailed themselves a ballot request form, the number of times they clicked “download” in their email
referring_tool For users who were linked to the absentee tool by another tool, the name of the tool
forms_sent (DEPRECATED) The number of forms mailed to the user’s Local Election Official

Register tool sync

Column title Description
slug An identifier for your customer
uuid The ID we store internally for the registration
subscriber_name The name of the subscriber (i.e. your customer name)
subscriber_id VoteAmerica’s internal identifier for the subscriber / customer
created_at The date and time that the first page of the registration flow was submitted, in UTC
updated_at The date and time when this action’s data was last updated, in UTC
previous_title (DEPRECATED) The previous title the user had
previous_first_name (DEPRECATED) The previous first name the user had
previous_middle_name (DEPRECATED) The previous middle name the user had
previous_last_name (DEPRECATED) The previous last name the user had
previous_suffix (DEPRECATED) The suffix the user previously held
title (DEPRECATED) The user’s title
first_name The user’s first name
middle_name (DEPRECATED) The user’s middle name
last_name The user’s last name
suffix (DEPRECATED) The user’s name suffix
date_of_birth The user’s date of birth
gender (DEPRECATED) The user’s gender
race_ethnicity (DEPRECATED) The user’s race-ethnicity
email The user’s email address
phone The user’s phone number
address1 The user’s address1
address2 The user’s address2
city The user’s city
zipcode The user’s zipcode
state_id The 2-letter code for the user’s state
previous_address1 (DEPRECATED) The user’s previous address1
previous_address2 (DEPRECATED) The user’s previous address2
previous_city (DEPRECATED) The user’s previous city
previous_state_id (DEPRECATED) The 2-letter code for the user’s previous state
previous_zipcode (DEPRECATED) The user’s previous zipcode
mailing_address1 (DEPRECATED) The user’s mailing address1
mailing_address2 (DEPRECATED) The user’s mailing address2
mailing_city (DEPRECATED) The user’s mailing city
mailing_state_id (DEPRECATED) The 2-letter code for the user’s mailing state
mailing_zipcode (DEPRECATED) The user’s mailing zipcode
sms_opt_in_subscriber True/False if the user has selected to opt-in to the subscriber’s SMS list
source The ?source= query param
utm_source The ?utm_source= query param
utm_medium The ?utm_medium= query param
utm_campaign The ?utm_campaign= query param
utm_content The ?utm_content= query param
utm_term The ?utm_term= query param
embed_url The URL of the page where the Register tool was embedded
session_id The ID of a user’s session. For tracking users across multiple tools or visits.
referring_tool For users who were linked to the register tool by another tool, perhaps after they found out they were not registered via the verify tool, the name of the tool
finished If the user has (1) clicked a link to visit their state’s online registration portal, (2) had their registration submitted to their Local Election Official, and/or (3) emailed themselves a registration form and downloaded it at least once
self_print If the user has emailed themselves a printable registration form
finished_external_service If the user clicked a link to visit their state’s online registration portal
leo_message_sent (DEPRECATED) If VoteAmerica’s toolset directly submitted the registration to the user’s Local Election Official
total_downloads For users who have emailed themselves a registration form, the number of times they clicked “download” in their email
forms_sent (DEPRECATED) The number of forms mailed to the user’s Local Election Official

Verify tool sync

Column title Description
slug An identifier for your customer
uuid The ID we store internally for the verification
subscriber_name The name of the subscriber (i.e. your customer name)
subscriber_id VoteAmerica’s internal identifier for the subscriber / customer
created_at The time that the first page of the verification flow was submitted, in UTC
updated_at The date and time when this action’s data was last updated, in UTC
first_name The user’s first name
last_name The user’s last name
date_of_birth The date of birth of the user
email The email address of the user
phone The phone number of the user
address1 The user’s Address1
address2 The user’s Address2
city The user’s city
zipcode The user’s zipcode
state_id The 2-letter code for the user’s state
sms_opt_in_subscriber True/False if the user opted into the subscriber’s SMS list
registered True/False if VoteAmerica’s data provider indicated that the user has an active registration
source The ?source= query param
utm_source The ?utm_source= query param
utm_medium The ?utm_medium= query param
utm_campaign The ?utm_campaign= query param
utm_content The ?utm_content= query param
utm_term The ?utm_term= query param
embed_url The URL of the page where the Verify tool was embedded
session_id The ID of a user’s session. For tracking users across multiple tools or visits.